Oxidized asphalt takes you to understand what problems should be paid attention to when asphalt paving

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The journey asphalt pallet needs oxidized asphalt to pay attention to:

1. Before the oil filling operation starts, the bottom layer should be cleaned and the bottom layer should be clean and free of water. Before placing the oil in the permeable layer, pay attention to the orientation of the underlying cracks (fiberglass grating can be installed to reduce the potential risk of cracking back in the asphalt pavement).

When the oil in the percolation layer is discarded, care should be taken to discard the embankment and other parts in direct contact with the asphalt in a suitable place to prevent water from entering the embankment and damaging the embankment and sinking the journey.

3. When laying a mud gasket, it is necessary to consider its thickness, not too thick or too thin. High thickness will cause difficulty in asphalt emulsification and cause some quality problems.

4. Journey Asphalt Mixtures: Asphalt mixtures must be equipped with qualified personnel to control the outlet temperature of the asphalt station and the ratio of mixture to stone equivalent.

natural asphalt

5. Asphalt delivery: The delivery vehicle of the oxidized asphalt vehicle must be covered with plywood or insulation, and covered with a tarpaulin to achieve the effect of asphalt insulation. At the same time, in order to ensure the smooth operation of the asphalt pavement, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the vehicle according to the distance from the asphalt station to the cabin.

6 Asphalt pallet: Before laying asphalt, it should be preheated within 0.5-1 hour, and the laying temperature can start below 100°C. The folding work will only start after the specialist and 3-5 vehicles are arranged on the computer board of the folding machine. During the camping process, it is necessary to fill in the areas not covered by the mechanical camping in time to prevent the dumping of materials.

7. Asphalt sealing: Generally, asphalt concrete can be used for rollers, tire rollers, etc. The initial pressure is not less than 135°C, and the final pressure is not less than the temperature at 70°C; modified asphalt cannot travel on wheels. The pressing temperature is not lower than 150°C , After all, the pressing temperature is not lower than 90°C. For places that cannot be compacted with large rollers, small rollers or compaction can be used.

8. Municipal asphalt or public transportation: In principle, after asphalt is laid, it needs 24-hour service before it can be opened to traffic. If you really need to open the information early, then only adjust the watering to lower the temperature to open the information when the temperature is below 50°C.If you have any other questions, please contact us for oxidized asphalt details or contact us directly.

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