Oxidized asphalt tells you what are the advantages of waterproof asphalt

Upload time :2022/5/19 15:57:01

In recent years, although various types of oxidized asphalt waterproof materials have appeared, due to their high price and lack of construction experience, their durability has yet to be tested.

Roof waterproofing is a quality disease in construction, and it is a problem that has not been dealt with for many years. The commonly used methods are the stiffness and flexibility of waterproof asphalt. Rigid waterproof is easy to crack due to the large temperature difference; elastic waterproof, asphalt, waterproof membrane and other organic materials are easy to age and have a short life.

In recent years, although various types of oxidized asphalt waterproof materials have appeared, due to their high price and lack of construction experience, their durability has yet to be tested. Therefore, the materials currently used are mainly relatively cheap materials. The combination of rigid waterproofing and flexible waterproofing theoretically improves the waterproofing function of the roof, but in construction practice, there is a certain misunderstanding of the rigid insulation of the bottom layer. It is judged that the rigid waterproof layer splits, rolls or leaks, making the rigid waterproof layer virtual, and elastic waterproofing has its own shortcomings, so "double insurance" cannot effectively prevent roof water seepage.If you have any other oxidized asphalt questions, please contact us for details or contact us directly.

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